
Tell your state Rep: Support Illinois’ minimum wage bill!–JoAnne Conrad

JoAnn Conrad chairs the Greater Springfield Progressive Democrats of America chapter.

Posted Mar. 15, 2015 at 10:03 PM
Springfield State Journal– Letter to the Editor

I write today to garner support to increase the wages of Illinois workers.

Last year, large corporations paid no tax. Many wealthy people find loop holes to avoid taxes and can afford lawyers to delay the payment of their taxes. Workers must pay at the same rate with regular increases. They have no funds offshore. Many make it with little or no family support and take care of more then one family member.

I get angry when I hear Americans say that if people were not lazy they would make money in a good job. If you believe that you are not following politics. You do not see how wars are making our economy ill or how the government bails out the energy industry yet soon will ask you to work until you are 70 before getting Social Security.

Why do we allow the rich to not pay taxes? Why do we give away so much to the pharmacy industry? Why don’t we have affordable health care in America?

Write and call your representatives at the Statehouse and ask them to support the minimum wage bill, Senate Bill 11. It would raise minimum wage to $9 an hour on July 1 and to $11 an hour by 2019. Pick up the phone at night if you are busy and leave a voice mail. Go see them if you can. Write them on a post card. Send them an email.

We need to raise wages and fight for securities.

JoAnn Conrad

Greater Springfield Progressive Democrats of America

Springfield, Illinois


Springfield, Il

Date and Time: 

March 25, 2015 – 12:05pm